TEAM r360
r360 is the business system developed by the company r360 Resort Systems AB. The head office is in Halmstad with 17 employees divided between development, support, customer and sales.
We are a family team with a lot of heart and a great passion for mountain resorts. Our goal is to grow with our customers and at the same time become Hallands best workplace - if you want to be part of that journey, you are always welcome with your application!
Ida-Maria Lasses
Support Manager
New collegue
Development Manager
Caisa Gustafsson
Support Engineer
Ingela Nilsson
Support Engineer
Amanda Svensson
Support Engineer
Charlotte Wretenstam
Technical tester
Gerda Svensson
Support Engineer
Peter Zetterman
System developer
Alexander Frogård
Design & development
Moa Stenqvist
Design & development
Carl Henrik Gidensköld
System developer
Christian Löfvenholm
System developer
Granite Shala
System developer
Johan Falkenberg
System developer
Max Noack
System developer
Our goal is to become Hallands best workplace! In order to become that, we in the team put our wise heads together and landed on many new milestones such as a new and fresh office, performance bonuses, 30 vacation days, annual trips to our destinations, joint activities and much more.
The team today consists of a lovely group of fifteen people. We have different backgrounds and experiences, but what we have in common is that we have a lot of fun together. We simply believe in the team and that we, together with our product, are our core and the base of our business. As our ski family grows, we need to expand our workforce and are now looking for you who can brighten up our team!
From 1995
In 1995, we started creating the code that would later become Skistar's facilities system, the first with real-time online booking. In 1997, we launched the r2 system at Skistar and shortly afterwards our current r360 system at the SJS hotels (Swedish Railwaymen's Vacation Home Association). Johan Falkenberg, current support coordinator in r360 Resort Systems, and Per Hübinette are behind the project.
Over the years, the number of employees and customers has varied, but when we look back in the rearview mirror, we can see that, just over 20 years later, we have around 20 alpine facilities in Sweden and Norway where most of them use all of the systems modules.
To vision 2025
We see great potential in r360 and r360online and will continue to develop the system together with our customers. The customers are our experts and help us drive development in the right direction. Our goal: to be the leading business system in the alpine industry, the heart of the organisation. Our customers must have time to prioritize their guests.
Right now we are working towards Vision 2025. A vision whose purpose is to secure our position in the industry at the forefront when it comes to our product, to be the market leader in the Nordics within alpine resorts and to be able to call ourselves Hallands best employer,
We are constantly growing and with new skills we are constantly becoming a stronger team with fantastic conditions to deliver a product at the forefront!
Every year the team goes to one of our destinations. Once there, we mix practice at the facility with secret activities and team building!
In r360, we believe in flexibility and synchronizing everyday work with the puzzle of life. Therefore, we only have joint Tues/Thurs in the office.
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When we reach our financial goals for the year, everyone in the team is awarded a financial bonus. All permanent employees in r360 can take part in the bonus program!